We’re passionate about helping you and your dog grow and make an impact.
Ralph - Head Trainer
Hi, my name is Ralph Frescas Jr. When I was a young kid about 10 years old my family used to bring over a lot of dogs to my grandmother's house, where I was raised. They would bring over all different breeds most of the time, American Staffordshire terriers, Boxers, and Rottweilers. My job was to feed the dogs and walk them. It was a task for sure, but I enjoyed doing it. After a while, it became tough to walk them so I started reading up about how to train dogs. I went to the local library and picked up a book and it was called your pitbull training book. I do not remember the author, but it was a great book. I learned a lot from that book, and from there, I continued reading and furthering my education about dogs, and how to train them.
I will then fast forward to when I was 26 years old and was diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma. Throughout my chemo and radiation treatments, I felt like the only one who was there for me the whole time was my dog. And her name was Chula, she was an American Staffordshire terrier and the most loyal, gentle creature you'd ever meet. After all of my treatments of chemo and radiation, two years later I went into remission. From there on out, I felt like I owe the rest of my life to my dog because of how much she was there for me. For example, there were times when I couldn't walk and had to crawl to the bathroom and she would help me by allowing me to hold onto her collar and she would pull me along very gently and wait for me to finish up in the bathroom and help me get back to my bed. About 10 years later, she ended up with cancer in her upper jaw.
It was the most devastating news for me because when I took her to the vet, they told me she had a short period left and for me to take her home and enjoy the rest of her time. It broke me down when she came to me on the last day and laid her head on my lap and started to whine when I touched the side of her jaw where the cancer was. From there I told her, I understand and I will take you in the morning. From there we went on our last ride together and then I had her put down so she wouldn't suffer. About two weeks later, I received a phone call from my cousin, and she told me she had a Doberman puppy for me that needed help and was the runt of the litter. I told her to bring her over, from there I examined the puppy and noticed she had lots of trauma to her head and body had a blood abscess on top of her fortunately I had some friends in the vet tech business who helped me drain out the abscess I was able to get her the medication and bring her back to health. From there on I took her to train with me to become certified in obedience and protection work and Munieca and I graduated on January 15, 2022 and the rest is history